Natascha Sadr Haghighian
Seda Naiumad
Natascha Süder Happelmann
Robbie Williams
institute for incongruous translation
carbon theater, act II
What is Left When We Reemerge
fuel to the fire
Airport Hotel
A Crossing
Oil Rigs Norway
Disco Parallax
SOLO SHOW (Shanghai Edition)
ressemblance / similar
dear artfukts, look at my curve
SOLO SHOW (New York edition)
dear curator
looking awry
The Geometry of a Cross-eyed Subject
seeing studies
What’s the Time, Mahagonny?
der westen leuchtet / the luminous west
sleepwalking in a dialectic picture puzzle part 2
sleepwalking in a dialectic picture puzzle part 1
the microscope
No Matter How Bright the Light, the Crossing occurs at Night
ricecooker trade
waiting for alfred
“…deeply__to the notion that the___world is ___to the observer…” (committed) (real) (external)
The horned owl’s diseases and their significance for its renaturalisation in the Federal Republic of Germany
schnitte / cuts