relearning bearing witness

How to spell the fight

carbon theater, act iii

Opening Speech Ankersentrum

Tribute to Whistle

Press conference – German Pavilion 2019 La Biennale di Venezia

Singing yesterday‘s news again

Anthropomorphise my capital!

carbon theater, act II

What is Left When We Reemerge

fuel to the fire

Carbon Theater, act i (Korean)

Carbon Theater, act i

Kant Merger Mashup

Airport Hotel

informatisierung der arbeit

texts and links of “…deeply__to the notion that the___world is ___to the observer…” (committed) (real) (external)

A Crossing



Disco Parallax

SOLO SHOW (Shanghai Edition)


ressemblance / similar

dear artfukts, look at my curve

pssst Leopard 2A7+

SOLO SHOW (New York edition)

dear curator

looking awry


The Geometry of a Cross-eyed Subject

seeing studies

What’s the Time, Mahagonny?

der westen leuchtet / the luminous west

40 minutes between the boards

sleepwalking in a dialectic picture puzzle part 2

sleepwalking in a dialectic picture puzzle part 1

the microscope

Xavier Le Roy in Conversation with Martina Zeidler

No Matter How Bright the Light, the Crossing occurs at Night

Villa Watch

ricecooker trade

proprio aperto

waiting for alfred

“…deeply__to the notion that the___world is ___to the observer…” (committed) (real) (external)

The horned owl’s diseases and their significance for its renaturalisation in the Federal Republic of Germany

present but not yet active

point of view


garden 24 – the garden never sleeps


schnitte / cuts


touch the screen